
Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Oscars are Racist

The other day I was looking through a bunch of my old notes on Facebook (which I wrote on a lot before I got my spiffy new blog) and I came across the one I wrote the morning the Oscar nominations were announced last year. Appropriately titled "Oscar Nominations---I'm pissed!", I basically ranted about how Dreamgirls, which at that point was my favorite film of the year, was denied a Best Picture nomination and, at one point, I called the Oscars racist. I'm still a little bitter (although The Departed was a smidge better) but I think it's funny how angry I got. I haven't seen a film yet this year that I will be crushed if they don't get a Best Picture nomination (my two favorites- Hairspray and Hot Fuzz- have no chance in hell) but it could possibly happen towards December and January when I see more of the "real" contenders.

So, I guess this could be interpreted as a warning because when a film or performance I love is getting bashed by critics, bloggers and the racist Academy, I won't shut up about what an injustice it is and just how great it actually is. I did it last year when J. Hud got bashed by everyone on the internet and I will do it again.

1 comment:

  1. So, just because I don't have any black friends, does that mean I'm racist?


    I don't even have any white friends! I don't even go to school! I'm equal opportunity, baby!

    That was weird...


To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the diva, "Damn it! Where the hell is my waiter?! I need a freaking refill!"