
Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Wish I Had a Legitimate Excuse to Post These Pictures...

...other than the fact that, you know, good looking, young French boys make me weak in the knees. As an added bonus, they're wearing suits and skinny ties and that drives the French New Wave fanboy inside of me crazy. I found these pictures about a month ago here, but since I don't speak much French I have no idea what they were shot for (other than a reason to assemble a smorgasbord of hot French people). In the end though, all that matters is that there are a bunch of pretty French hommes to gaze at:

Julien Baumgartner

François Civil

Théo Frilet

Adrien Jolivet

Guillaume Gouix

Emile Berling (whom you might recognize as a Diva Cup nominee for Breakthrough Performance for A Christmas Tale)

And, of course, I saved the best for last: none other than Mr. Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet himself in all of his sexy, smoldering glory (also a Breakthrough Performance nominee with Berling)


  1. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

    Gréggy. <3

  2. Is it sick and wrong that I know François Civil from The Disney Channel Games?

  3. セレブ達は一般の人達とは接する機会もなく、その出会う唯一の場所が「逆援助倶楽部」です。 男性はお金、女性はSEXを要求する場合が多いようです。これは女性に圧倒的な財力があるから成り立つことの出来る関係ではないでしょうか?

  4. 急に時間が出来ても友達はみんなカレシと一緒でかまってくれません…アタシと遊んでくれる人メール下さい☆

  5. 会員制の逆援交際倶楽部では男性は無料、一日最低額10万円保障での交際をお求めできます。ご登録された女性様達はセレブであるがための悩みをそれぞれの方が持ち、皆様、男性との営みを求め、ご登録されております。彼女たちとの初々しい一時をお楽しみ、謝礼をいただいてくださいませ。会員制ですので人数に限りがあるため、打ち切りの場合はご了承ください


To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the diva, "Damn it! Where the hell is my waiter?! I need a freaking refill!"