
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day, mate! Okay, I'd be lying if I said, as a stereotypical lazy American, I knew what Australia Day was actually celebrating. However, that doesn't matter because any day where I can celebrate Aussies is a day I can get behind. I must give a major "g'day" to Glenn, the only Australian I actually know and have had a conversation with. To celebrate the holiday, he came up with a list of the Top 25 Australian Films of the Decade, 19 of which are available in the US. Shame on me for having only seen one of these films. I guess I know what I need to work on once my latest Godard and Truffaut bender dies down. Australia has also produced some of my favorite celebrities: acting goddess Nicole Kidman, the eternally dependable Toni Collette, the sexy DILF Hugh Jackman, Australia's equivalent to Madonna Kylie Minogue, etc. The list goes on and on. However, I can't let this golden opportunity pass and not talk about my current Aussie "It Boy" Xavier Samuel. I feel a bit silly going so gaga over him after only seeing one of his films (the surfing film Newcastle where Xavier plays a gay emo/goth), but I honestly can't help it. Have you seen pictures of him? The boy can literally go for a coffee run in sweats and look like he has just stepped out of a fashion editorial. They certainly know to grow 'em in the land down under, don't they?


  1. I'm surprised you didn't find pictures of him from Newcastle showing off his bare arse. There's gotta be some out there!

  2. Oooh, I like the way you're thinking! I just did a quick search and they are online. Later on I'll add those as well.


To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the diva, "Damn it! Where the hell is my waiter?! I need a freaking refill!"