
Friday, March 12, 2010

A Quick Reader Survey

Hey readers! I just want to check in and see how everyone is doing out there. After my dry spell there for a week or so (to be fair, Spring Break got in the way and I was off having too much fun), I'm trying to come up with some new ideas for the blog. While I'm at it, though, I decided to put it to you to see what you wanted me to talk about. Rants of a Diva will always be my forum for talking about whatever the fuck I want, large audience be damned, but it's always nice to have input from my loyal readers (and friends in some/most circumstances). So, is there anything you would like to hear more about from me? A subject I haven't talked about in ages but you really enjoy, maybe? Any former series' you would like to see return? A topic you're just dying to see get covered? And, finally, is there anything on the blog you never want to see again? Feel free to get anything off your chest in the comments. I can take the criticism! Mama's here to listen.


  1. You can talk about anything deary. As long as you keep your voice, cause it's hilar. Even when I have no idea what you're talking about. Papa's here to read.

  2. I second Vance. No one else can mock Miley Cyrus, reference Bette Davis stories, and post pictures of dreamy French boys like you do.

  3. Oh yes, and especially when you rant about something that you absolutely hate but that I absolutely love, makes me love this blog even more! Ferreal!

  4. Cater to your straight do have one you know ;).


To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the diva, "Damn it! Where the hell is my waiter?! I need a freaking refill!"