If it doesn't seem like La Tisdale has as much to do in HSM3 as she did in HSM2, you'd probably be right. HSM3 is more concerned with the bland relationship between singing jock Troy (Zac Efron) and his annoying sweetheart Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens) than anything else, so that means all of the supporting characters are relegated to the sidelines even more than before. But that's no problem for La Tisdale, who often does her best work from the edges, upstaging the other hapless performers like nobody's business. When the entire cast is gathered together for the first time at the spring musical tryouts, no one in the cast besides Troy is given much to do, but La Tisdale knows how to focus the attention of a scene on her whenever the script blindly ignores her. Her comedic timing on such simple quips as her sarcastic "Yipee" when the rest of the Wildcats decide to join the play at Gabriella's insistence or "Genius," delivered with such eye-rolling deliciousness when Mrs. Darbus announces the subject of this year's spring musical, is light years ahead of anyone on the cast. Director Kenny Ortega hasn't had to deal with someone with this style of over-the-top, nearly drag queen-esque, comedic chops since Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus (a performer Tisdale is eerily reminiscent of) but, thankfully, he lets her perform with reckless abandon all over the film.

My favorite moment of the La Tisdale's performance is the moment after we think she has been defeated once and for all. Throughout the first two films, countless times we've seen Sharpay fall and then claw her way back in by the end. This time, however, things are a little different. Her former assistant, Tiara, has finally shown her true colors and has just revealed that she has stolen Sharpay's spot in the show. Sharpay is distraught and it looks like her previous disastrous performance may have been her last. We cut from her for another musical number and then cut back to her, rejected and alone in her dressing room. Suddenly, however, that familiar spark re-emerges in Sharpay's eyes and she rises like a Phoenix from the ashes, ready to take her rightful place back on stage. Thanks to Tisdale's performance, we actually cheer the harsh and manipulative person on and want to see her succeed (in what other Disney film can you say that about the villian?). And her performance once she gets on stage? Flawless. That entrance is divalicious in the extreme and that move she makes when she takes center stage on the line "It's gonna be my night!" flashes to my mind whenever I hear the song.
La Tisdale's triumph here in HSM3 is exactly what true "actressing at the edges" is all about. Here we have a talented woman triumphing against a script that doesn't have time for her and neglects her for a less interesting romance plot with lightning quick comedic timing, a pitch perfect character development and the ability to bring out the best in her castmates (even ones as dire as Vanessa Hudgens) while highlighting her own abilities as an actress. I don't know how she does it- especially considering her age and the source material- but I'm eternally grateful to Ashley Tisdale for having the talent and determination to turn the one-dimensional Sharpay into a fully-inhabited character; without her, I'm nothing.
For more Supporting Actress goodness, head on over to the Blog-a-thon Headquarters at StinkyLulu to read more profiles on countless other performers.
For more Supporting Actress goodness, head on over to the Blog-a-thon Headquarters at StinkyLulu to read more profiles on countless other performers.
Actually, it was rated G! Disney doesn't let things get rated PG.
This totally wasn't disappointing, dude. Ugh, mein gott.
Also, Tiara is such a useless little twat.
Once again, another great write-up about the talented Ashley Tisdale! The only reason I started watching the HSM films is because of your many praises of La Tisdale's brilliance. And now I'm a fan (of the film's cheesiness and Tisdale's performance), thanks to you!
Tisdale does some very reliable comedic work as Sharpay. The character definitely had much more meat in HSM2 but Tisdale never lets a scene slip away from her, even in her limited screen-time in HSM3. I love to see what she's capable of in the future. I love your Tisdale-Midler comparison, by the way--very well said!
Bu-but, wasn't HSM3 rated G? That said, Tisdale was on fire in the "I Want It All" scene!
Here's hoping we get to see La Tisdale perform I Want It All on Oscar Night, that - and/or a nom would be the icing on the cake.
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