I saw this over at Stale Popcorn and I thought it would be a quick and fun meme to complete.
I'm not going to lie...I've only had two different jobs in my life: Sales Floor Team Member and Teacher Assistant
Gone With the Wind, Singin' in the Rain, Mommie Dearest and Spice World
Chesterfield (up through elementary school), Yale (through junior high and high school), Kalamazoo (college) and that's it.
I really could expand this to 10 easily, but I'll stick with The Golden Girls, 30 Rock, American Idol, Desperate Housewives
Minneapolis (for the Mall of America), Atlanta (for the Gone With the Wind tourist attractions), Mackinac Island (for the fudge), Six Flags in Ohio somewhere (for the rides and such)
Facebook (add me as a friend if we aren't already!), The Superficial, Stale Popcorn, Valley Dreamin'
Chinese Food (I can't narrow it down more than that), Donuts, Chocolate, Bagels with Cream Cheese
1. In bed with Zac Efron
2. At the 2008 Oscars, witnessing La Tisdale winning a much deserved Oscar for High School Musical 3: Senior Year
3. On a deserted tropical island, far away from responsibilities and annoying people
4. At a screening of a film such as Rachel Getting Married, Happy-Go-Lucky or I've Loved You So Long, that, despite having been in release for as long as two months in some cases, still haven't come anywhere close to a movie theater in my area.
J.D. at Valley Dreamin', mB at A Blog Next Door, Vance at Tapeworthy, Michael at My Stuff and Cr*p
A blog currently wondering which of the One Direction boys will take him home. Other obsessions: hot boys, Britney Spears, the Disney pop princesses, French New Wave cinema.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanks for Dropping By!

Thanks for sticking around everyone! I know posting has been light over here all week, but I'm a little burnt out from school and family obligations (it is Thanksgiving break, after all) and I just needed a little time to catch my breath. I'm a little more refreshed now and ready to get going again, maybe not 100%, but enough until I can get through the next two weeks trapped in exam hell. Pray to Oprah for me (or whichever deity you worship, whether Laura Linney, Jane Fonda or Tina Fey) and I'll be back to full strength.
(Pictures via Just Jared)
(Pictures via Just Jared)
boys boys boys,
david archuleta,
the brothers jonas
Monday, November 24, 2008
Rants on Twilight Based on the Overheard Comments of the Random Teenage Girl Sitting Next to Me

"That's not Bella's voice." This was uttered right at the get go during Bella's (Kristen Stewart) opening monologue. I realize that this girl probably read the book 10 times before a film version was announced- I knew Stewart was in it by the time I read it so I simply imagined her in the role right away- and that she had her own idea of what Bella looked and sounded like, but give Kristen Stewart a chance before you tear her down! You have to let go of all of your broad preconceived notions about what the characters should "sound" like when you're going into a film like Twilight.
"She's so awkward!" Once again, this was directed at Kristen Stewart during one of her scenes with her father (Billy Burke, who's actually quite impressive- his scenes with Stewart actually felt more genuine than 90% of the ones between Stewart and Pattinson). At this point, I wanted to shake the girl and tell her, "Haven't you read the book? That's the point!" Bella is a shy, detached loner who doesn't feel the need to talk a lot- not exactly the most comfortable person to be around. You have to chalk it up to Stewart's immense talent that Bella is realized on-screen this uncompromisingly. With her quivering voice, nervous tics and emotions bubbling up ever so delicately on her silent movie star face, Stewart's intensely introverted performance is a sight to behold, a thing of true and relentless beauty. When she finally discovers what Edward really is and they are finally able to admit their feelings toward each other, there's a moment where the pair lie on the ground, just staring into each others eyes: the look Stewart emits from her eyes and face is absolutely mesmerizing and something I can't get out of my head a couple of days later. It's easy to understand why the teens don't like her- she way too subtle for them- but whenever she's on screen, it doesn't matter this film is a complete mess at times, her performance totally transfixes you in ways that no drama aimed at the teen demographic ever has.
*Gasp* This sound, of course, was uttered when Robert Pattinson first appears on-screen. I wasn't too surprised, considering all of the stories I had been hearing for the past week concerning girls asking Pattinson to bite them at public appearances. Let me just mention that I wasn't one of the many gasping at Pattinson- he still had a lot more to prove to me than just show up looking pretty do-able. Unfortunately, he never proved that he was the least bit competent in this role. The scene after we first see him is when Edward and Bella are sitting next to each other in Biology class for the first time. Edward is supposed to be greatly uncomfortable and totally freak the fuck out of Bella, prompting her to think that something is wrong with her. In Pattinson's hands, however, Edward practically has a seizure while dry heaving into his hands and then staring at Bella like the creepiest stalker imaginable. The audience was laughing all throughout this scene, but I don't think that this was Hardwicke's intention; we're generally supposed to be slightly creeped out by Edward at this point, not laughing at him like a silly clown. Throughout the rest of the film, Pattinson never gets any better, matching Kristen Stewart's fantastic facial expressions with dumb gazes worthy of Chace Crawford and often butchering simple lines to the point of madness. He's so bad at times it makes you wonder what exactly Catherine Hardwicke was thinking by hiring him for this film and how much better this film could have been with a much better Edward. I know I've already pimped out Gaspard Ulliel, and he would be absolutely perfect, but also imagine what Penn Badgley, Ed Westwick, Gregoire Leprince-Ringuet, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (although he may be a tad old) or Elijah Kelley might have done with Edward and then tell me you don't mourn what this film could have been.
"That's not even funny." The audience I was with was completely retarded and laughed every two minutes, often at the stupidest parts. Anytime a line of dialogue that was supposed to play on the fact that "Haha, Edward's a vampire, get it?" was uttered, the audience roared with laughter like it was the funniest thing ever said in the history of comedy.
"'Hold on, my spider monkey'? Who says that?" A-greed. That was a horrible line. And I don't remember it in the book, so you can't even blame Stephenie Meyer.
"This sucks, I'm about ready to leave." I don't remember at what point she said this, but it was getting towards the point where I was just as frustrated at this film. The book was so perfect for a film adaptation (overlong and repetitive, therefore capable of handling a large number of cuts) but it got messed up in the translation somewhere. At times, I wish there was more of the Edward/Bella relationship going on but at others I just want them to stop staring at each other and do something. I don't know, the whole experience left me very conflicted; I know there are problems with the film but I'm at a loss as to what needed to be fixed. The film is shot a lot in either close up or extreme close up, creating an intensely intimate atmosphere that mirrors the relationship between Edward and Bella, and I applaud Hardwicke for taking such an unneccessary stylistic chance in such a crowd-pleasing film, but it really gets in the way some of the time. First of all, it does Robert Pattinson no favors and secondly, it provokes unintentional laughter in some of the scenes. When the band of bad vampires show up to the Cullen family baseball game, the constant cutting between extreme close ups of Edward's and James' (Cam Gigandet) eyes and the members of each group ready to pounce on each other like that cafeteria scene in Mean Girls where the kids turn into wild animals was hilarious, but for all of the wrong reasons.
"This movie was great!" Yes, by the time everyone was filing out of the theatre, the girl next to me literally said this to one of her friends (At this point, I was telling my friend something to the effect of, "Let's get out of here and away from these crazy superfans before we discuss what the hell went wrong"). I'm not exactly sure what provoked such a drastic change- I know by the end everything had found a good groove and even Pattinson wasn't getting on my nerves as much, but it was by no means a "film-saving" ending. Twilight is not a great film by any means- hell, it's hardly a good film- but it's certainly not the disaster it could have been with a less competent director and more generic, less specific leading lady. At the very least, I guess we can be thankful that it wasn't turned into something drastically different from the book and rendered totally unrecognizable. That would have been an even great tragedy. C
Many thanks to the random teenage girl sitting next to me for providing the inspiration needed to write this review!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Random Top 10: Best Quotes from Steel Magnolias

10. "And I can also report that a mysterious car is parked in her driveway at least once a week..."
"There. My secrets out. I'm having an affair with a Mercedes Benz!"
Oh, Shirley MacLaine, you're so ridiculous.
9. "Truvy, you know what you need in here? You need a radio, takes the pressure off of everyone feeling they have to talk so much."
"I had one once, but I threw it up against the wall when I couldn't figure out where the batteries went. I know now I was suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome."
I, for one, would have loved to have seen Dolly Parton throw a radio against the wall. Alas, this line reading will have to do, and it's nearly as good as the real thing.
8. "I'm pleasant, damn it! I saw Drum Eatenton at the Piggly Wiggly this morning, and I smiled at the son of a bitch 'fore I could help myself."
It's frightening how much Ouiser and I have in common. I'm 99% sure I'm going to end up like her when I'm in my old age.
7. "Janice Van Meter got hit with a baseball. It was fabulous."
What an introduction to Olympia Dukakis' Clairee! I don't know what I expected from Dukakis, but I never would have guessed she could be this mean-spirited and fun at the same time.
6. "There's so much static electricity in this room, I pick up everything but boys and money."
You and me both, Dolly. You and me both.
5. "Louie brought his new girlfriend over, and the nicest thing I can say about her is all her tattoos are spelled correctly."
What snark! Why doesn't Dolly Parton act more? She is absolutely brilliant here.
4. "I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood for the last 40 years!"
...And the similarities continue with Ouiser continue (substitute 40 years with 10 in my case, though).
3. "Well, you know what they say: if you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!"
This is my philosophy. I'm a total gossip, what can I say? I'd love to have a chat with Olympia Dukakis.
2. "Ouiser, you sound almost chipper. What happened today - you run over a small child or something?"
Besides myself, Ouiser also reminds me a lot of my friend's grandmother (the same one I want to be played by Dame Julie Andrews) and just imagining her push a child out of the way- which I've seen her do once- makes me giggle everytime.
1. "A lot she cares. Ousier's never done a religious thing in her life."
"Now that is not true. When I was in school, a bunch of my friends and I would dress up as nuns and go bar-hoppin'."
The funniest line in the whole movie. It came out of nowhere and on paper doesn't sparkle as much as some of these others, but Shirley MacLaine delivers the hell out of it like the pro she is. I was laughing for about a minute straight.
dolly parton,
le cinema,
olympia dukakis,
random top 10,
shirley maclaine
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Why Don't I Shop at the Gap More?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It's Still a Felony!

Ah, Joel McHale, why do you have to make me feel so bad? I don't think I'm as bad as Justin Gaston, since Nick and I aren't practically dry humping each other in the church pews or blowing kisses to each other on the runway. Or, you know, we haven't met.
The only thing that has me slightly confused is the fact that Nick seems like the nicest guy on the planet and yet he not one, but two songs written by ex-girlfriends about how much they hate him. So, he's either that amazing to be with that they were driven Fatal Attraction crazy (without the attempted murder or rabbit stew) or he's just a douche. I'm leaning more towards amazing (I'm mean, we're talking about Miley Cyrus here) but, either way, I'd still bone him.
Just for fun, here are a couple of extra pictures of the lovely Nick.
The only thing that has me slightly confused is the fact that Nick seems like the nicest guy on the planet and yet he not one, but two songs written by ex-girlfriends about how much they hate him. So, he's either that amazing to be with that they were driven Fatal Attraction crazy (without the attempted murder or rabbit stew) or he's just a douche. I'm leaning more towards amazing (I'm mean, we're talking about Miley Cyrus here) but, either way, I'd still bone him.
Just for fun, here are a couple of extra pictures of the lovely Nick.

And while we're on the subject of the Brothers Jonas, can someone please explain to me what the hell is happening in this music video for "Lovebug"? It goes from talking about some couple during the war á la "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You" and then, all of a sudden, Nick and Joe are on a boat in glasses and it ends up with everyone at some dance "rocking" out to the Brothers Jonas. Say what? Is it too much to ask for a little coherence? This video is so bad it actually makes the corny and trite "Burnin' Up" video look 100 times better. It also doesn't help that "Lovebug" is probably the worst, most boring song on A Little Bit Longer. If they wanted to go on the ballad route, why not the title track which is actually a half-way decent song (even if Nick's voice is a tad whiny) or, going in a completely different direction, "One Man Show," which I'm 95% sure is about masturbation ("I'm a one man show/I don't need no one/I'll be fine alone").
Confession Sundays
For the lapsed Catholic in all of us- a new series in which I confess my deepest, darkest secrets before Oprah and The Madonna and wait for my atonement.
I have never seen Rosemary's Baby

Yes, I've seen Step Up three times, but I've somehow never stumbled upon Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby. In all honesty, I'm actually quite embarrassed about it. It's not like Rosemary's Baby is some obscure foreign film from Kazakhstan- it's really quite known, even among non-cinema buffs. Plus, it has Mia Farrow and a batshit crazy Ruth Gordon (Maude!)...why am I not watching this right now?!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Campaign for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar Nomination for Ashley Tisdale in HSM3: Senior Year: Disney Gets Their Head in the (FYC) Game

Sharpay: "Think bigger!"
Ryan: "And the Oscar goes to..."
Sharpay: "That's better!"
~Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Gabreel, "I Want It All"
As J.D. mentioned earlier today on his blog, Disney has set up their FYC website, officially announcing who they are supporting during the upcoming Oscar season. While I could go on and on about easy targets like HSM3 for Best Picture (ain't gonna happen), Kenny Ortega for Best Director (can you imagine him getting in over someone David Fincher?) and Vanessa Hudgens for Best Actress (*rofl*), what caught my attention- or, I should say, had my attention drawn to- was the fact that Disney was actually campaigning for La Tisdale in the Best Supporting Actress category. Say what...Disney's actually making a good campaign choice? This is the same company that failed to notice that La Tisdale gave the best performance in HSM2 and didn't even put her up for consideration at this year's Emmy's, right? I know I should let this go, and I still haven't completely, but now's the perfect time since they've finally realized that they should be FYC the shit out of her and her performance. Pay no attention to the fact that they sort of lumped her together with Monique Coleman (ugh, the second worst actor of the cast)- La Tisdale has more support behind her than a couple of young bloggers with glowing reviews and big dreams. And, as I always say, the more the merrier! Please Disney, let's not screw up this perfect opportunity for Oscar glory. Let's work together and we'll each be happy with the (inevitable) outcome....Academy Award-Winner Ashley Tisdale.
high school musical,
la tisdale,
tisdale oscar campaign
Friday, November 14, 2008
Weekend Rental Picks

The film is based on a world-famous play, but unlike most stage adaptations, Miss Julie is actually quite cinematic. The real beauty of Sjöberg's film is the deep focus photography, which makes it probably the closest (and best) descendant of Citizen Kane. Anita Bjöork is absolutely magnetic as the lead character, a wealthy young woman in love with one of the family's servants.
Suddenly, Last Summer (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1959)
I was watching the fascinating documentary The Celluloid Closet, about gay and lesbian representation in films, and they amusingly mentioned this bonkers Tennessee Williams drama. The film was censored so much because of the Production Code that they couldn't even directly mention the main plot point of the film (how Elizabeth Taylor and Katharine Hepburn were getting men for their gay cousin/son Sebastian). The film makes little sense, and is hardly the best film adaptation of Tennessee Williams, but it gives Mommie Dearest a run for its money in terms of batshit craziness. My favorite part has to be the final moments when Elizabeth Taylor gives the horrifying/campy scream when she recalls what happens to Sebastian.
I was watching the fascinating documentary The Celluloid Closet, about gay and lesbian representation in films, and they amusingly mentioned this bonkers Tennessee Williams drama. The film was censored so much because of the Production Code that they couldn't even directly mention the main plot point of the film (how Elizabeth Taylor and Katharine Hepburn were getting men for their gay cousin/son Sebastian). The film makes little sense, and is hardly the best film adaptation of Tennessee Williams, but it gives Mommie Dearest a run for its money in terms of batshit craziness. My favorite part has to be the final moments when Elizabeth Taylor gives the horrifying/campy scream when she recalls what happens to Sebastian.

If you haven't seen Annie Hall, Woody Allen's masterpiece, go out and see that right now. But since I'm assuming that anyone reading this has already seen it or knows they should see it, I'm going to recommend the Woodman's 1996 musical/comedy. The music is kind of forgettable and no one in the cast really has that great of a singing voice, but that is Allen's intent- to make an "ordinary" musical. What I love most about Everyone Says I Love You is the wonderful ensemble (which includes Woody, Goldie Hawn, Drew Barrymore, Edward Norton, Alan Alda and Julia Roberts!) and the hilarious script, probably his last great comedy. In what other movie can you think of in which all of the characters are dressed and act like Groucho Marx at a New Year's party?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Robert Pattinson is a Heartthrob?
I'm so confused. Why exactly is Robert Pattinson all of a sudden considered the hottest thing around? Don't get me wrong, he ain't half bad to look at when he's clean shaven and styled decently.

But when he's not and having a bad day? Oh boy, I'd rather hide under my covers than look at his face.

Seriously? This is someone you want to have sex with? I've seen drug dealers seem more pleasant to be around. I'd rather bang Amy Winehouse after a long night of hitting the pipe and stumbling out of taxis. Gross. You people can have him. Call me when he invests in a toothbrush and razor.

But when he's not and having a bad day? Oh boy, I'd rather hide under my covers than look at his face.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Qu'est-ce que les français ont été jusqu'à?: Short Rants on Les Chanson d'Amour [Love Songs] and Tell No One

The brilliant thing about Les Chansons d'Amour, however, is the use of musical numbers in the narrative. They aren't used like the musical numbers in HSM3, which are mainly for entertainment purposes only; in Les Chansons d'Amour, the songs allow the characters to express themselves and their unusual relationships in ways that they can't in the "real" world of speaking and communicating with each other. When Julie and Ismael, in another one of their numerous and ongoing fights, suddenly break out into song with Alice trying to unite them, it is not merely to entertain us for a few minutes. With her constant interruptions into their fighting and literally stepping between them, trying to unite them together through her, we finally understand her role in the threesome relationship that they have developed. While the lyrics don't translate so well in English sometimes, the music is often times beautiful and completely captures the emotions they are trying to portray. Dramatically, the film is kind of a bust, but with an interesting use of musical numbers and game cast members, Les Chansons d'Amour sort of redeems itself by the end. Sort of. B-

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This Trailer Makes Me Sad
I think that Reese Witherspoon is one of the funniest, most talented comediennes in Hollywood today. Her performances in Election and Legally Blonde just didn't come out of nowhere; they needed someone with a funny bone to make them work. Well, you wouldn't know it from the Four Christmases trailer that's been around for awhile. I have nothing against Vince Vaughn- I think he's a hilarious- but it just makes me sad that Reese couldn't get one. Hopefully this is just a case of a misleading trailer funny thing to do or say in the trailer. She spends most of the time playing the straight guy to Vaughn and even when she's given the chance to be funny (when the baby pukes on her), of course, all the attention is once again moved back to Vaughn. It's like the writers couldn't believe that a woman could be funny or that people wouldn't see this movie unless Vince Vaughn got to make all the jokes.and Reese actually gets to do something interesting in this film. I can't imagine why someone as big of a control freak as Reese would bother doing a film where her co-star gets all the funny bits while she just sits back and goes with the flow.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Confession Sundays
For the lapsed Catholic in all of us- a new series in which I confess my deepest, darkest secrets before Oprah and The Madonna and wait for my atonement.
I've just seen my first episode of The Girls Next Door and, although it was predictably awful, I'm still embarrassed I actually watched it the whole way through.

I usually don't claim to be a beacon of classiness when it comes to my TV viewing habits because Lord knows I watch some crappy, completely trashy shows (Flavor of Love, I Love New York, Charm School, I Love Money, America's Most Smartest Model, Real Chance of Love, A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila...I've watched them all) but I always avoid any of the reality shows on E!. Why waste hours of my life watching them we I can see all of them boiled down into a 10 second clip on The Soup every week? Well, this weekend, I was over my friends' apartment and nothing else was on after The Soup, so we just left E! on and watched The Girls Next Door. Holy shit! Bad idea, to say the least. I swear to God I permanently lost some brain function watching that garbage. The episode revolved around Holly redecorating the Bunny House across the street when a couple of new playmates move in. Holly decides it would be fun to have a painting party and, inevitably, it turns stupid rather quickly. They start drawing boobs on the wall and, bored with all of the "hard work," Kendra (the one with the annoying laugh) decided to paint her breasts and leave a breast print on the wall. But Miss Smart One fails to realize that paint will stain and has a hard a time getting all the paint off, eventually turning her nipples a Pepto Bismol pink for awhile. The interviews these ladies give were also enlightening, to say the very least. At one point, one of them- I think it was either Holly or the one who's not Kendra- describes one of the new girls as, "fun and funny and totally fun to be around" (which, of course, prompted me to be an asshole to my friends and say, "You're so fun and funny and hilarious!"). Seriously, I've heard Paula Abdul give a more coherent and intelligent interview. To sum it up, this show is shit and I hope I never have to watch it again.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
It's Supposed to Be Oscar Season, Right?
Then where exactly are all of the Oscar contenders? How can it be November 7th and I'm deciding between seeing Role Models or High School Musical 3: Senior Year (for the third time!) this weekend? I don't live in a huge city so I'm not expecting to get something like I've Loved You So Long or Rachel Getting Married (although that would be nice) but come on, Hollywood. I know you're not exactly predictable or especially kind to people like me (you know, people who like serious films) but I'm dying here. Last year at this time, I was going to see Michael Clayton, Eastern Promises, Into the Wild and American Gangster and while none of them completely knocked me out, they were serious films made for grown-ups. Do you want to know the best grown-up film in my area? Changeling, and I'm really dreading seeing that since I'm not particularly fond of Clint Eastwood or Angelina Jolie (and I've heard it's not even that good anyways). On the plus side, I guess this means more time for playing catch up with movies from earlier this year that I missed. Yay?
The Campaign for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar Nomination for Ashley Tisdale in High School Musical 3: Senior Year: Review Headquarters

Sharpay: "Think bigger"
Ryan: "And the Oscar goes to..."
Sharpay: "That's better!"
~Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Gabreel, "I Want It All"
The reviews are pouring in for High School Musical 3: Senior Year (out tomorrow, in case you haven't heard) and they're predictably all over the place. It currently sits at surprisingly fresh 63% at Rotten Tomatoes, although that hardly matters because this juggernaut will make an assload of money no matter what. My primary concern, however, with these reviews is good press for my beloved La Tisdale and a strong start for her campaign for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination. We all know that an Oscar campaign needs to start with some positive feedback from the critics, so I've decided to gather all the raves I could find and put them together on one page. And, bloggers of the world, when you write your review of HSM3 (and I know you'll have something to say one way or another) and you mention just how fabulous La Tisdale is in this film, either email me or I'll come find you and I'll link you here. We need all the support we can get for our glorious cause!
Thursday, 10/23: Okay, so we only have 4 mentions so far, but it's early yet and I know that we'll get more once the "regular" folk see the film (starting tomorrow, yay!).
Friday, 10/24: We have one more from a lovely reviewer in the UK!
Sunday, 10/26: While I'm heading out to finally see the damn thing in a couple of hours (yay!), here are three more mentions, plus a very complimentary one from Marcy in her review of HSM3. Thanks!
Wednesday, 10/29: I've seen two more La Tisdale mentions in the past couple of days, plus my own, so I've added the accordingly. Remember, it's never too late to spread the love for our beloved La Tisdale. I'll be updating this constantly!
Friday, 11/7: I can't believe I forgot to add Nick's ecstatic mention of La Tisdale! Sorry about that! Now it's up for everyone to enjoy.
"And the Oscar goes to…the star of this show, born and bred, La Tisdale, she knows it and she owns it. It takes a whole lot of skill to make what is essentially a villainous biatch into someone who you can’t help but root for no matter what. She brings her character to life without even opening her mouth, but when she does, you are seduced by her relentless enchantment, her bold and brassy effervescence and her epic brilliance."
~Nick Plowman, Fataculture
"There is no arguing that Sharpay is a stereotypical villain, but Tisdale constantly makes Sharpay something more. Sharpay's grand entrance into a typical East High morning contains as much unspoken drama as the character herself. But Tisdale's moment of glory is in the face of defeat. The audience wants to see Sharpay get back up again and when she does, we cheer for her--thanks to Tisdale--because she is every bit as vulnerable and human as the rest of us."
~Marcy, Because I Saw the Film
"So while we get more of Zac's pretty eyes, it prevents more time for the fabulous Ashley Tisdale as Sharpay Evans...Hey, now that this is one the big screen, does this mean Ashley Tisdale is eligible for an Oscar?"
~Vance, Tapeworthy
"...but seriously... not enough of La Tisdale! As HSM2 proved, she can hold the entire movie together. In HSM3 she has great scene-stealing moments (her entrance with her FABULUS car, her "single spotlight" moment and of course her crashing down on Brit-clone's Sharpay's number at the end) and what she doesn't get in script she makes up for in facial expressions and overall attitude. Oh to be Sharpay: never to be outdone, outwitted or outdressed!"
~mB, A Blog Next Door
"I could go on for days about how much I loved La Tisdale here. She proves, without a doubt, that she is infinitely worthy of that Oscar nomination that I keep pushing for her...she sparkles the entire film--from her divalicious entrance to her final curtain call--even when HSM3 keeps pushing for Troy and Gabriella to be the main focus. Relegated to the background, La Tisdale does her best work, rolling her eyes like she's been taking lessons from Michelle Pfeiffer and turning such minor quips as "Genius" when Ms. Darbus announces the name of the spring musical or her sarcastic "Yipee!" when the Wildcats decide to join the musical into perfect bon mots worthy of Margo Channing...we realize that La Tisdale's Sharpay is sort of like Scarlett O'Hara in that nothing will ever keep her down and we want to see her succeed, no matter how wicked her ways are. It's due to La Tisdale's epic performance that Sharpay stands out as more than just an annoying bitch stereotype and always comes out looking like the high priestess of the theatre that we've all seen in real life but that we can still, against all odds, still root for in the end."
~Dame James Henry, Rants of a Diva
"...the breakout star is Ashley Tisdale, whose Sharpay makes narcissism a goofy, bedazzled pleasure."
~Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly
"...Ashley Tisdale, a lone standout as the mildly mean girl Sharpay..."
~Ella Taylor, L.A. Weekly
"Tisdale makes a meal of her spoiled-fashionista role..."
~Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune
"...Ashley Tisdale, having fun as always."
~Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News
"...it's up to Ashley Tisdale as the uber-bitch Sharpay to provide light comic relief, which she does with good humour and great timing."
~Wendy Idle, Times
"In terms of pure razzle dazzle, though, it's Tisdale and Gabreel who stand out."
~Carla Meyer, Sacramento Bee
"Tisdale is the better singer [than Hudgens], but she gets fewer songs."
~Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle
"The comedy standouts are Tisdale and Gabreel..."
~Betty Jo Tucker, ReelTalk Movie Reviews
high school musical,
la tisdale,
tisdale oscar campaign
Weekend Rental Picks
A weekly series in which I try to help emerging cinephiles reduce their anxiety by pointing them in the right direction at their local Blockbuster.
Nashville (Robert Altman, 1975)
With the election still on everyone's mind, Altman's multi-character drama set in the country music capital is a great film to keep you in the political mood. Don't worry, the film's not overtly, jam-it-down-your-throat political; it merely uses the presidential campaign of a third party nominee named Hal Phillip Walker merely as a starting point to get the characters involved with each other and, eventually, unites them all. No matter who you are, you will find a character (or two) you can relate with and/or find really fascinating (My favortites? Ronee Blakely's damaged country Queen, Barbara Jean and Henry Gibson's paternal King of Nashville, Haven Hamilton).

With the election still on everyone's mind, Altman's multi-character drama set in the country music capital is a great film to keep you in the political mood. Don't worry, the film's not overtly, jam-it-down-your-throat political; it merely uses the presidential campaign of a third party nominee named Hal Phillip Walker merely as a starting point to get the characters involved with each other and, eventually, unites them all. No matter who you are, you will find a character (or two) you can relate with and/or find really fascinating (My favortites? Ronee Blakely's damaged country Queen, Barbara Jean and Henry Gibson's paternal King of Nashville, Haven Hamilton).

And while the economy is going to shit, enjoy this gem of a Warner Brothers musical which tackles the Great Depression head on with fabulous costumes, bitchy actresses, fantastic songs and breathtaking Busby Berkley choreography. A lot of people prefer 42nd Street, but I don't think that film can begin compare with The Gold Diggers of 1933, which hides a tough interior underneath all of the frivolities of a 30's musical.

Didn't think the Soviets could make a moving romance? I didn't, well, at least until I saw The Cranes Are Flying a few months ago. I was absolutely transfixed by everything concerning this film: the deep focus photography is to die for, the acting is fantastic and the romance actually moves and doesn't just feel like an after thought. Now, if only Hollywood would take lessons from this film on how to make a proper romance and not stick us with crap like The Notebook.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Have I Ever Mentioned How Much I Love the British?
About a week ago, I was rummaging around Vera's Big Gay Blog (a great source for hunky boys and models, by the way) and I found a link to photographer Kai Z. Feng's website. I had vaguely heard of him before, but I wasn't at all familiar with his portfolio. Needless to say, I was very impressed. I'm not an expert or anything, but I know what I like, and Feng is absolutely wonderful. I was particularly taken with his work on a few young up-and-coming British actors. The actors may not be that well known in America, but Feng certainly knows how to make them look good. Simply beautiful.

Edward Speleers
Apparently, he was in that completely awful-looking Eragon movie from a couple of years ago. I'd still bone him, though.
Apparently, he was in that completely awful-looking Eragon movie from a couple of years ago. I'd still bone him, though.

Nicholas Hoult
He played the young boy in About a Boy and stars in the controversial BBC teen drama Skins, which supposedly makes Gossip Girl look tame, now airing on BBC America (damn, I wish I had this channel right now).
He played the young boy in About a Boy and stars in the controversial BBC teen drama Skins, which supposedly makes Gossip Girl look tame, now airing on BBC America (damn, I wish I had this channel right now).
Mitch Hewer
He also stars on Skins, apparently as Nicholas Hoult's boyfriend (correct me if I'm wrong).
He also stars on Skins, apparently as Nicholas Hoult's boyfriend (correct me if I'm wrong).

Alex Pettyfer
He's done a couple of British movies and some movie with Emma Roberts, Julia's niece, but he's still really good looking.
He's done a couple of British movies and some movie with Emma Roberts, Julia's niece, but he's still really good looking.

boys boys boys,
god save the british,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Alphabet Meme
I was tagged by J.D. to do this meme created by Fletch of Blog Cabins. How incredibly lovely! This one looks like fun. Let's get to the rules:
1. Pick one film to represent each letter of the alphabet.
2. The letter "A" and the word "The" do not count as the beginning of a film's title, unless the film is simply titled A or The, and I don't know of any films with those titles.
3. Return of the Jedi belongs under "R," not "S" as in Star Wars Episode IV: Return of the Jedi. This rule applies to all films in the original Star Wars trilogy; all that followed start with "S." Similarly, Raiders of the Lost Ark belongs under "R," not "I" as in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Conversely, all films in the LOTR series belong under "L" and all films in the Chronicles of Narnia series belong under "C," as that's what those filmmakers called their films from the start. In other words, movies are stuck with the titles their owners gave them at the time of their theatrical release. Use your better judgement to apply the above rule to any series/films not mentioned.
4. Films that start with a number are filed under the first letter of their number's word. 12 Monkeys would be filed under "T."
5. Link back to Blog Cabins in your post so that I can eventually type "alphabet meme" into Google and come up #1, then make a post where I declare that I am the King of Google.
6. If you're selected, you have to then select 5 more people.
Let's get started, shall we?
1. Pick one film to represent each letter of the alphabet.
2. The letter "A" and the word "The" do not count as the beginning of a film's title, unless the film is simply titled A or The, and I don't know of any films with those titles.
3. Return of the Jedi belongs under "R," not "S" as in Star Wars Episode IV: Return of the Jedi. This rule applies to all films in the original Star Wars trilogy; all that followed start with "S." Similarly, Raiders of the Lost Ark belongs under "R," not "I" as in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Conversely, all films in the LOTR series belong under "L" and all films in the Chronicles of Narnia series belong under "C," as that's what those filmmakers called their films from the start. In other words, movies are stuck with the titles their owners gave them at the time of their theatrical release. Use your better judgement to apply the above rule to any series/films not mentioned.
4. Films that start with a number are filed under the first letter of their number's word. 12 Monkeys would be filed under "T."
5. Link back to Blog Cabins in your post so that I can eventually type "alphabet meme" into Google and come up #1, then make a post where I declare that I am the King of Google.
6. If you're selected, you have to then select 5 more people.
Let's get started, shall we?
Annie Hall
Bringing Up Baby
City Lights
Duck Soup
Erin Brockovich
The Four-Hundred (400) Blows
Gone With the Wind
High Noon
It Happened One Night
Kill Bill Volume 1
Libeled Lady
Mommie Dearest
Ordinary People
Queen Christina
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
Singin' in the Rain
Top Hat
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Vera Drake
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
The OX-Bow Incident (I don't like X-Men, so I had to cheat. Oh well.)
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Bringing Up Baby
City Lights
Duck Soup
Erin Brockovich
The Four-Hundred (400) Blows
Gone With the Wind
High Noon
It Happened One Night
Kill Bill Volume 1
Libeled Lady
Mommie Dearest
Ordinary People
Queen Christina
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
Singin' in the Rain
Top Hat
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Vera Drake
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
The OX-Bow Incident (I don't like X-Men, so I had to cheat. Oh well.)
Yankee Doodle Dandy
And those who are tagged:
Michael - My Stuff and Cr*p
RJ - The Rural Juror
Slayton - PUXZKKX
Vance - Tapeworthy
Kayleigh - Shiny Happy Blog
Michael - My Stuff and Cr*p
RJ - The Rural Juror
Slayton - PUXZKKX
Vance - Tapeworthy
Kayleigh - Shiny Happy Blog
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