I've Reached a New Low
As of last night, I have now seen Step Up, the 2006 dance film in which Channing Tatum got his big break, as many times as Citizen Kane, Rear Window and Psycho. I have also seen it more than The Godfather, The Rules of the Game and Breathless. Something is wrong with this. I'll be the first to admit that Step Up is a horrible movie, filled with every wrong-side-of-the-tracks teenage dance movie cliche in the book but, even while I'm groaning at the awful dialogue and hideous "acting", I can't help but to be entertained by the dancing (which, you have to admit, is pretty spectacular) and by Channing Tatum. He's not a great actor in this film (I've realized that his talent grows directly in proportion to the amount of time his shirt his off, which is why he's better in She's the Man and he blows us away in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints) but he's on his way and he has that one great line reading: when they break into the school and he's suckered into going, he says "Dayamn" with the funniest inflection. I really wish I could say that I'll never see Step Up again, but all someone needs to say is Channing Tatum and I'm like, "What time?"
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